sydney uni boxing club

Boxing training. As it's meant to be.

The Sydney Uni Boxing Club is open to men and women of all ages: Sydney Uni students as well as members of the community.

Whether you want to train to fight, or just train to be fit. It's no-nonsense, hard training in up to four sessions a week. We cover boxing skills and drills, sparring, cardio and core strength exercises.

OUR COVID-Safe Guidelines

These are our guidelines for keeping our members safe during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Health and fitness are important everyone in the club & vital to maintaining good boxing form.

Any person who experiences upper respiratory symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, chills and/or night sweats must report this to the club secretary or coaches, and not attend training until undergoing a COVID-19 test and receiving a subsequent negative result.

Before Training

  • Get in, train, get out (quick changeover)

  • Boxers to arrive at training “ready to train” - no change rooms

  • Boxers bring your own water bottles & towels

  • SUBxC members will have registered online prior to class. These records will be used only for contact tracing should a positive case of COVID-19 be identified.

  • Boxers to tick off the booking list with coach their name and mobile number. Any registered member not present to be recorded and emailed to the secretary

  • Prior to start clean training equipment and facilities. 

  • Class use hand sanitiser prior to starting.

  • Class prior to training will use mop and disinfectant to mop over flooring, disinfect bags, floor to ceiling balls and speed balls.

During Training

  • Groups of no more than 10 participants.

  • Those 10 participant boxers must have adequate spacing, maintaining a distance of 1.5m, where possible.

  • Training is non-contact.

  • All training sessions will be designed so there is strictly no sparring contacts one on one.

  • Accidental contact will inevitably occur, but there is to be no deliberate body contact drills.

  • No sparring or looking to use floor other than standing but pad work allowed with wiping down after each use.

  • No shared equipment - including exercise on the floor

After Training

  • Boxers to leave straight after training

  • No mingling, socialising after training.

  • Boxers are not to congregate 

  • Boxers will be instructed to shower at home after training.

  • All Participants to help clean down all equipment and gear at the conclusion of training.

Stay safe

If you are uncomfortable training, then stay home. We will be here when you are ready.

Contact the club secretary if you have any questions.

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