sydney uni boxing club

Boxing training. As it's meant to be.

The Sydney Uni Boxing Club is open to men and women of all ages: Sydney Uni students as well as members of the community.

Whether you want to train to fight, or just train to be fit. It's no-nonsense, hard training in up to four sessions a week. We cover boxing skills and drills, sparring, cardio and core strength exercises.


Sydney University Boxing Club (SUBxC) was established in 1908 and is a founding member of the NSW Amateur Boxing Association (NSWABA/Boxing NSW). The Club is currently a member club of Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness (SUSF) and conducts all levels of boxing training in Brydens Boxing Gym at the University Sports & Aquatic Centre in Darlington. Historically, the Club has competed against other Australian universities, as well as teams from the Australian Military.

SUBxC develops competitive boxers to fight in local, state and national competitions. The Club also supports students of the residential colleges within The University of Sydney, providing them with training to participate in an annual tournament of the Club and various colleges. Female boxers were first represented in the annual Intercollegiate Tournament in 2009 (female boxing had been illegal in NSW prior to 2009). Proceeds from the Tournament go to aid the efforts of a local charity, the Glebe Youth Service.


George Plellis
Allen Zhou
Patrick Cunningham
Justin Rowsell
Mike Yee
Kostas Theodoropoulous
George Panagopoulos
Leonard Purea
Glenn Richards
Jim Staninovski
James Visvis
George Koskinas


President - Patrick Cunningham
Patron - Johnny Lewis
Secretary - Annabel Vogel
Treasurer & Equipment Manager - Allen Zhou
Club Captain - Kostas Theodoropoulous
Delegate to SUSF Gen. Committee & Student Committee Member - 
Student Committee Members - George Plellis, Glenn Richards, Amine Mikati, Kostas Theodoropoulos 

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